The next title in the Zombie Gunship series, Zombie Gunship Survival is finally making its way to global launch! The game developed by Flaregames and Limbic Software are set to release on May 25. Check out their cool 360° teaser if you haven:
The game features some base-building elements aside from the thrilling AC-130 gunship actions. You will not only be blasting up hordes of zombies and helping out the survivors, but also get to enjoy your zombie apocalypse utopia even better. If you wants to know more about the game, various footage of the game can be found online easily as the game has soft-launched for a few months. Here is one of the footage released on Flaregames’ YouTube channel:
The game will be available worldwide on iOS and Android platforms starting from 25 May. Can’t wait to blow up the zombies!
Source: toucharcade