Well, what do you know? Death Stranding will be heading to PC in summer of 2020! As we all know, the PS4 version will be releasing 8 November 2019. The tweet does not mention if it would be on the Epic Games Store, or Steam.
Thanks to all of you who have been supporting #DEATHSTRANDING!
DEATH STRANDING release on PS4 is November 8, 2019!!
Furthermore, KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS is happy to announce that DEATH STRANDING will be coming to PC in early summer of 2020!!#kojimaproductions #deathstrandingpc pic.twitter.com/Sk4clWWY1X— KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS (Eng) (@KojiPro2015_EN) October 28, 2019
So right now, Death StrandingThe World Strand Tour will also be kicking off is a PS4 timed-exclusive, and EGS would likely mean an even longer wait depending on the exclusivity deal. We’re only a little ways off before the first playthroughs of the game will go live, and the mystery to unfold to the masses, so we’ll see if we can get more information from Kojima at these events.
You’ll be getting our review of the game 1 November, so look forward to it!