Wuthering Waves Pre-Registration for PC, Android, and iOS is open now and is a relatively easy and simple process which can be accessed through their website.
Simply provide your email address and request for a code, once received input the code and you are all set.
You will be notified of future news and tests once you have pre-registered.
The Closed Beta Test Registration is also live today through a separate process that requires you to complete a Survey which will then be put into a pool of applicants where winners will be randomly selected to participate in the Closed Beta Test that start at 17:00 Apr. 24th, 2023 (PDT).
Some disclaimers that the developers have provided in regards to the Closed Beta Test are as follows:
1. All in game content of this test is still under development, and do not represent the final quality.
2. Qualification will only be valid for this Closed Beta Test, all your in game data will be reset after the test.
3. To ensure the qualification acquiry. Please make sure you submit the survey with all correct information.
4. Due to the IP limitation and localization progress. This test will only be available for testers in America and Canada districts. We appreciate your understanding.
5. Qualified Rover of iOS platform will get iOS-TF downloading links in email.
6. Any account and client sharing/trading is forbidden, you will be unqualified and your account will be banned once detected with such behaviors. Please take care of your personal account information and your property, to avoid unnecessary losses.
You may find further information regarding the Closed Beta Test at the official FAQ section.