The upcoming World of Warcraft: Shadowlands has gotten a new trailer, ahead of the expansion’s launch next week. This trailer focuses on the Covenants of the Shadowlands.
The trailer evokes a lot of the feelings of the classic World of Warcraft trailer when that first launched, featuring high quality CG cutscenes of important characters in the Shadowlands narrative.
Unlike the previous CG trailer, this one is more of a primer on the four Covenants of the Shadowlands, and doesn’t advance the story.
The trailer shows all the Covenants of the Shadowlands, in the following order:
- Kyrian of Bastion,
- Night Fae of Ardenweald,
- Necrolords of Maldraxxus,
- Venthyr of Revendreth

While the Night Fae and Venthyr shots also featured appearances by their Perpetuals, the Necrolords and Kyrian did not, especially as the Primus of Maldraxxus is absent at the start of the story for Shadowlands.
The Covenants are an exceptionally large part of the Shadowlands Expansion, with a lot of the game’s marketing going into highlighting the culture and background of the caretakers of Azeroth’s afterlife.
In the game, players will be able to side with the Covenants, allowing you to obtain gear and abilities based on them.
World of Warcraft: Shadowlands will release November 24th, though the game’s pre-release event is already live, along with its reworked level cap.