Wolfenstein will be getting a new game into the series this week. While not a numbered entry in the franchise, Wolfenstein: Youngblood does have BJ Blazkowicz’s twin daughters mowing down Nazis while searching for their missing father. As it appears, PC will be getting the game a day earlier than consoles.
Bethesda tweeted about Youngblood to get the hype started, giving the July 26 date for consoles. The omission of the PC version prompted questions since it was assumed the game would launch across all platforms at the same time. It was then Bethesda announced the earlier PC launch.
Wolfenstein: Youngblood takes place nineteen years after Wolfenstein II. BJ Blazckowicz has disappeared in Nazi-occupied Paris after a mission. BJ’s twin daughters, Jess and Soph Blazkowicz, armed with their father’s training, get pressed into action.
You can play solo or co-op with a friend in Youngblood. Level up, explore, complete missions. Get new abilities, weapons, gadgets, cosmetics and more. Youngblood boasts the most open-ended Wolfenstein experience yet. From your base in the Paris catacombs, plan your attack of dismantling the Nazi regime.
Wolfenstein: Youngblood is slated for July 25 on PC, with Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4 and Xbox One versions arriving the day after.