Since the conclusion of ufotable‘s anime adaptation of the Touken Ranbu franchise in 2017, a new teaser and key visual has finally been released for the Katsugeki Touken Ranbu movie. Featuring the self-proclaimed popular sword, Izuminokami Kanesada in a flurry of sakura petals, it’s a long awaited confirmation that yes, the project is still in the works.
While we can’t say how much of the project was delayed considering the issues around the studio’s head getting found guilty of tax evasion, it probably didn’t help. Touken Ranbu as a franchise is steadily heading into its seventh anniversary, and surely, the release of the Katsugeki movie can only make things sweeter for fans.
For the unfamiliar, Touken Ranbu is a franchise where historical Japanese swords are turned into cute boys, pretty men or buff hunks, depending on artist rendition. It’s primarily a browser game that has since received an English localization, and spans across a staggering amount of media. Their designs encompass various aspects of the actual sword’s history, and can be an educational gateway. There’s been plenty of projects where the real life swords have been restored, reforged or returned to their respective places of origin thanks to fan contributions and their part in raising awareness. Museums housing these blades may also run collaboration events, allowing the general public to see the real deal, accompanied by their personification.
Fun fact, the Touken Ranbu collaboration with Granblue Fantasy was with the Katsugeki adaptation, rather than the slice-of-life leaning Hanamaru. It has yet to be rerun, so we’ll see what happens with that too.