Ubisoft’s upcoming action-adventure first-person shooter video game – Far Cry 5 will be released on 27 March for PC, PS4 and Xbox One! Ahead of its release, we are lucky to be able to have a short interview with the Lead Writer, Andrew Holmes for more details on the game. Let’s see what he has told us in the interview!
About the background of Far Cry 5’s story
The story of Far Cry 5 is set in Montana, where the main villain – a preacher named Joseph Seed has established a militaristic doomsday cult called Eden’s Gate and violently forces the residents of Montana to join the cult. Andrew told us that they have been wanted to find a place that is wild and far away from the city while giving out dangered feel, and Montana kicks in their list. After checking out the place, the team immediately decides to set the background in Montana.
The concept of the villain is also inspired by their days in Montana. Hoping to inherit the Far Cry style in creating an attractive villain, they talked to the citizens in Montana and come across the story of the cults. Thus the idea of Joseph Seed, the leader of a cult is created.
Compared to the predecessors, Joseph Seed is a multileveled villain that has his own faith – he believes that he is the only one that can save the world from an “inevitable collapse” that will lead to the end of the world. For that purpose (to save the humanity), he started a small organization but unfortunately, most of the people tried to stop him thus leading him to go extreme.
About the Far Cry 5 map and features
Talking about the game map, Andrew mentions that the map in Far Cry 5 will be the biggest ever in the Far Cry series, not just the size, but the missions and event included in it. Also, every region has its own story and backgrounds that gives out a really different experience to the players. You won’t feel alone at any moment and this is definitely something players can be looking forward to.
Far Cry 5 features “Fangs for Hire” system that allows players to tame wild animals. We were curious to know if there are other wild animals for tame, and Andrew replies us that aside from Boomer the Dog, there are another 2 – Peach the Panther and Cheeseburger the Bear that you can recruit and let them fight by your side.
This time, the Far Cry team has been putting extra effort on the vehicles as Montana is a place that loves big-sized vehicles. You can find some really interesting vehicles in the game, you can even drive a plane owned by Nick Rye that is equipped with machine guns and bombs.
About the Far Cry 5 progression, allies and enemies
When asked about the estimated time needed to complete Far Cry 5 (main quests), Andrew responds with just a sentence – a very long time. He further explained it by saying that Far Cry 5 is an open-world game where you could go anywhere and do anything you want, but everything you do ties to the main story. Therefore, depends on your play style, the time required to fully complete the game differs.
There will be a resistance meter that acts as a progress bar, every mission you completed will fill the bar according to its difficulty level. When the bar fills up, you will finally be able to face the regional boss and once you defeated the boss, the region will be under your control. Then, a new resistance meter will set up when you reach the next region.
Your allies and enemies will also react differently according to your resistance meter. For example, more people will look out for you and offers to join your side as your resistance meter grows. While on the other side, your enemies will be more aggressive in hunting and attacking you. You will have to build up your relationship with the citizens (by helping with their quest or talk to them) in order to earn their trust before asking them to join your side.
In addition, Andrew confirms that Far Cry 5 will be having different ending based on your decisions and a multiplayer co-op mode too! Aren’t these excite you? These are all of our interview with Andrew Holmes, Far Cry 5 will be releasing in a few months time so get yourself pre-ordered if you are interested!

Special thanks to Plextor who gave us the chance to attend TpGS 2018 live!