While the strength of the anime characters is quite clear cut, it is much harder to tell who is the best Tensura: King of Monsters character. Even A-ranked characters can be better than their SS-ranked counterparts.
With that said, I will be ranking the top 10 best characters in Tensura: King of Monsters. This ranking is based on my opinion on the character’s overall strength and usefulness.
Another disclaimer: this list will include Milim and Shizu, two characters that will be obtainable in future banners. Technically, they are already obtainable as secretaries, but I will be judging them based on their skill set which is already available.
Let’s dive into the top 10 best Tensura: King of Monsters characters.
10. Souei [Kijin]
While Kijin Souei may not hit as hard as his Ogre counterpart, he makes up for it by being one of the best tanks in the game. The trick lies in his ability to add a clone of himself to your team every time he takes part in a synergy combo.
With proper placement, Souei [Kijin] can easily make enemies waste their powerful single target ultimates (I’m lookin at you, Orc Disaster). Coupled with his aptitude of always dodging the first hit in each round, and you have quite possibly the most reliable tank for your team, despite being an agile ninja.
9. Shion [Kijin]
Self-proclaimed secretary of Rimuru, Shion, is really a multipurpose Kijin. She hits reasonably hard and even has a two-round stun (hits 4 enemies but only stuns 1 target). Unfortunately, it does cost a rather exorbitant 40 mana.
However, Shion [Kijin]’s greatest asset is her ability to counter whenever an ally gets hit with an auto attack. Furthermore, if that ally happens to be her boss, Rimuru, she will throw out counterattacks 90% of the time when fully upgraded. Considering how tanky Rimuru is, this can lead to some surprisingly effective strategies involving a frontline Rimuru and counter-obsessed Shion [Kijin].
Oh, and don’t forget that she even works well in synergy team thanks to her ultimate’s ability to suspend the target. Score one for the secretary!
8. Eren
A nobody from the anime that is a somebody in the game. Eren may have subpar stats, but do not underestimate her. When it comes to crowd control, Eren is queen.
Her Ultimate Skill, while RNG reliant, is one of the most effective ways to shut down the entire enemy team. The 3-turn cooldown can be shortened to 2 turns with the help of Rimuru’s Mystery Cooldown ultimate. With enough luck (and resets) she can basically render the enemy useless every two turns.
In addition, she is only Rank A, so whether you like it or not, you will most likely roll her from the standard banner when you play long enough. If you need a stunner, you can’t go wrong with Eren.
7. Shuna [Princess of Presents]
Shuna [Princess of Presents] is basically Shuna [Kijin] on steroids. She not only heals and helps out with status effects, she hits like a truck.
Christmas Shuna’s auto attack deals 180% DMG, which is the gold standard of a strong auto attacker. Furthermore, she can also get allies with the Christmas Stocking buff to follow up on her already painful auto attack, like a slightly inferior Hakuro [Kijin]. Not only that, her synergy is the hardest hitting synergy in the game. Dealing a total of 225% DMG each time she uses her synergy attack, it hits harder than some ultimate skills.
However, what sets her apart from all the other units in this top 10 is that she is a healer. She will keep your team alive, while also doing the opposite to the enemy team.
6. Benimaru [Ogre]
Benimaru [Ogre], like Eren, is one of the two A-ranked characters who can hold their own against S and SS-ranked characters. If Eren controls the enemy team, Benimaru [Ogre] wipes it out.
Benimaru [Ogre] is a one-trick pony through and through. With the right set up, he can turn otherwise unwinnable fights to ones that you can win. Every time he kills an enemy with his ultimate, he casts it again immediately, free of charge.
As a result, you get a solid low-cost ultimate skill that has great fight-ending potential. If you can lower the enemy’s HP within kill range, more often than not, you already won the battle.
Disclaimer: Do NOT use Benimaru [Ogre] against Orc Disaster when unlocking the next subjugation map. He is useless. Outside of that, he will win you many fights you will otherwise lose.
5. Gobta
Lowly goblin Gobta is the butt of the joke most of the time in the anime. In the game, however, your enemies won’t be laughing.
If Benimaru [Ogre] is useless against Orc Disaster boss battles, Gobta is the complete opposite. The longer the fight drags on, the more incredible he becomes. Gobta gains 5% stacks of ATK and DEF every time an ultimate skill is used in a fight.
Coupled with his cheap ultimate (which can easily cost 0 mana thanks to his aptitude) that increases in crit rate and you have a sniper that will delete foes. And if the enemy didn’t die, guess what? They will have a healthy does of synergy that comes out from that ultimate.
Gobta’s skill set makes him broken in Space Gap, which is exploitable with relics. Be it Space Gap, Subjugation and even Story mode, this goblin will not let you down.
4. Shion [Reindeer Emissary]
Christmas Shion is like Shion [Kijin]. However, instead of having a counterattacking obsession, she has a follow-up attack obsession.
Shion [Reindeer Emissary], with full breakthrough, will launch a follow-up attack when an ally launches their own auto attack 70% of the time. Coupled with friends such as Gabiru with Ninja Heart Set effect active, and she can easily launch 5 attacks even before she throws out her own. Making this even more broken is her auto attack, with the highest base DMG in the game.
But wait, she also has a stun! Unlike Shion [Kijin], it costs only 20 mana. However, it does need extra setup to land it reliably, but it’s still a powerful ultimate.
Finally, her gimmick of sugaring foes also makes her solid tank thanks to the DMG reduction it provides. If you want one of the hardest hitting units in the game, that can also stun AND tank, you found it.
3. Gabiru
Gabiru’s arrogant personality is well deserved in this game. Basically a god of auto attacks, and for a good reason—he hits hard and very frequently.
His entire kit is centred around killing enemies with his powerful auto attack. When fully upgraded, each auto attack he delivers will deal a total base DMG of 270%. It is very easy to get him to hit enemies two or more times, and if you do the maths, that’s a lot of DMG.
Almost no other unit in the game has this much first turn kill potential. Most of the other characters in the list above requires some set up to be effective, but auto attack king Gabiru can easily kill off one enemy at the start of the fight. For this alone, he is one of the best characters in the game.
2. Milim
Demon Lord Milim is one of the powerful characters in the currently ongoing anime. The same goes for Tensura: King of Monsters. Her ultimate skill annihilates enemies.
The Dragonoid deals more DMG with her ultimate the more mana you have. With a team built around her, it is very easy to reach max mana very early in the fight. Once that happens, you can bid the enemy farewell. She is basically Benimaru [Ogre] pumped to the extreme with an easier setup.
Not only that, her normal auto attack has a chance of triggering synergy. Even if she is not using her ultimate skill, she can still provide great impact to fights. Truly worthy of her title of Demon Lord.
1. Shizu
Introducing…the best character in Tensura: King of Monsters—Shizu! (Who also happens to die very early on in the anime)
Like Milim, Shizu has a chance of triggering synergy with her auto attack. However, her true strength lies in her aptitude that boosts her crit DMG, which gets higher the lower her HP is.
To make that aptitude even more powerful is her downright overpowered ultimate skill. Shizu’s 0 cost ultimate buffs her crit rate by 50% and base ATK by 30%! When she crits, not only does she recover HP, but she can damage the enemies behind and beside her target!
Like Gabiru, she has first turn kill potential with minimal set up. Unlike Gabiru, she can easily kill more than one enemy with a single auto attack. As a truly overpowered being, it begs the question—how come Rimuru didn’t get a shred of this awesomeness after devouring her?
That is all for the top 10 list of best Tensura: King of Monsters characters. When Milim and Shizu appear in the SEA version of the game, do not miss out on them as they will make mincemeat of your enemies.
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I'm not an evil Slime! Would you like to hide in my stomach?
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime: King of Monsters is a mobile strategy multiplayer online RPG game, an official game adaptation of the anime under the original writer Fuse's supervision! The game employs the state-of-the art 3D cel-shading technology to present to gamers the Jura Tempest Federation from the anime. In the game, players may summon monsters, collect characters from the original anime and build up powerful monster combat lineup. The game features a unique Devour system that allows players to develop their own Rimuru!