Toei Animation announced on its Facebook page that there will be a suspension of simulcast and Japanese broadcasting for both One Piece and the new Digimon Adventure, due to COVID-19 concerns. Their full notice is as follows:
To All Our Fans,
Due to the state of emergency in Japan caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, we have carefully considered the safety measures for the spread and have decided to suspend the simulcast and Japanese broadcasting of both “One Piece” & our new series, “Digimon Adventure:” for the time being. Updates on the return of both series will be provided as soon as we know. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time. Please stay safe and healthy.
It’s yet another disruption caused by the whole pandemic still on-going, as the world works together to recover. Here in Malaysia, the My Hero Academia and Digimon Last Evolution Kizuna movies have also been indefinitely postponed, among the variety of cancellations occurring throughout globally to curb the spread of the virus.
One supposes with the suspension of the simulcast for One Piece and Digimon Adventure, think of it as a time to watch older episodes, or find something new this season to watch as there are still airing shows. Be sure to stay home and stay safe.