In Thailand Game Show 2019, Bandai Namco Entertainment announced their latest content for the upcoming One Piece Pirate Warriors 4. 2 new characters will be entering the battle and you sure must be hyped about this.
Check out their trailer here!
The infamous pirate from the North Blue known as the “Magician” and the captain of the Hawkins Pirates, Basil Hawkins is joining the game! His devil fruit is the Straw-Straw Fruit and he has the ability to take damage through the use of a puppet prepared from within his body or even to transform himself into a giant straw puppet.
Kaido of the Beast, also known as the “Strongest Creature in the World” is the Governor of the Animal Kingdom Pirates as well as one of the Four Emperors that rule over the New World. He is the other character that will join the game as a huge and strong boss that you guys will need to defeat! Make sure to look forward to this guy’s performance as the main antagonist of the Land of Wano Arc in the game!
Other than that, the game will feature a Thai localized version that will have Thai subtitles and user interface with Japanese voice-over when it is released in 2020 for the PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam.
Are you even more hyped for it’s release now! I can’t wait for the game and finish all the arcs. JUST GIVE IT TO US ALREADY!