Despite having so little screen time but so many cosplays of her, Albedo is arguably the most popular character in Overlord besides Ainz.

For the first 3 seasons, she barely has any screen time and also has such a tiny impact on the overall story. Yet, she has successfully captured the hearts of many anime fans. In this feature, I’ll be breaking down how Albedo became so significant for Overlord despite her lack of screen time and story involvement without going into any spoilers.

The Underdog of Overlord
How can your most popular waifu be featured so minimally in the anime? The reason for that is simple—author Kugane Maruyama didn’t originally intend to create her.
Albedo didn’t exist in the web novel that Maruyama uploaded on Syosetu, which is what the light novel is based on. According to Maruyama, Albedo was added to the light novel so that “Ainz would be able to freely move around outside the Great Tomb of Nazarick.”
While having an Overseer for the Floor Guardians of the Great Tomb of Nazarick does give Ainz more freedom, her impact extends beyond the story.
Let’s face it—when it comes to light novels, it’s practically a given to have the female lead appear on the cover. Sword Art Online, Re:Zero, KonoSuba—having your waifu(s) as the first thing your customer sees on the product makes sense, especially since the main demographic of your audience is teenage boys.
However, Overlord is the exception to this trend, using illustrator so-bin’s god-tier art for each cover instead. Just have a look yourself:

The same goes for the manga. While so-bin’s illustrations don’t serve as the cover to each volume of the manga, Albedo isn’t featured prominently on the covers. Prior to the anime, she wasn’t as popular compared to the other characters. Back then, Demiurge is probably more beloved in the fandom than Albedo.
However, once the anime came out, Albedo’s popularity skyrocketed, pushing her far above her fellow Floor Guardians. Even though her screen time is short compared to characters like Shalltear, Cocytus, Demiurge and Sebas who had entire arcs centred around them, most of Albedo’s brief appearances were very memorable.
Whether it’s her rivalry with Shalltear or her Kakegurui-like facial expressions, the anime did a fantastic job at making her character stand out. As the series progressed, it was becoming clearer that she’s the most popular character, being featured more and more prominently on marketing material, further boosting her fame.
Character Design
While we can all thank Maruyama for writing Overlord, it’s so-bin’s wizardry with illustration that helped create such an iconic design for Albedo. Her white dress looks anything but plain, while her horns and wings really accentuate the idea of a “devil who seduces.” Sure, many of the characters have amazing designs as well, but there’s something special about the contrast and harmony between the white and black for Albedo’s base design.
While she barely took part in any fights, Albedo’s armour is also absolutely breathtaking—an actually practical-looking female knight armour! While there are other noteworthy female knights in anime like Saber from the Fate series, none can compare with the badassery that is Albedo’s armour.

The Future of Overlord
In Season 4, Albedo is finally getting a bigger role to play. Considering that this is the part of the story which starts to deviate heavily from the web novel, it makes complete sense for Albedo to shine—she’s the poster girl of the series and an incredibly important character.
Whether it’s from a lore, marketing or character design perspective, Albedo is an amazing example of how to create your character. She was already capable of achieving immense popularity despite doing so little. Now that she has her time to shine, it’s a huge win for Overlord fans who have been waiting for 3 seasons for the main waifu to take the stage.
To stay updated with Overlord, follow the anime’s Twitter account. You can also check out my analysis on the character designs of That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime for similar content.