This week in the Brave Room, Wan and Kit get down to fitness- talking about the fact that no matter how much you want to be that cool character who only plays videogames, as frail adults you need to take care of your health.
Fitness is an important part of your life, begrudgingly- There’s only so many hamburgers you can eat before your stamina drains so badly you get winded walking to a door. It also has to do with age- Wan and Kit are by all metrics still young, but just old enough that the endless supply of youthful energy has hit its end, and now every injury has a chance to become something horrifyingly chronic to haunt them for years to come.
We talk a bit about Ring Fit – everyone’s favorite Pandemic Game that they’re totally gonna play again despite how wiped they were after their first session-and just how absolutely brutal that game can be with its no-holds-barred approach to getting you to think you were playing a video game, but actually you were getting a workout the whole time.
Wan also shares his experience with the Vital Bracelet, and his journey to getting a powerful Digimon for the most noble reason of all: Spite. Thanks to the Vital Bracelet’s adventure mode, Wan has reason to bear a grudge against a Veedramon, and has raised an Imperialdramon in the hopes to one day blow up that blue loser.
The Brave Room Gamerbraves’ own podcast, hosted by “Wan” Amirul and Kit “Onegai Muscle” Chew. It’s available on Anchor, YouTube and Spotify.