Tokyo Game Show 2019, from 12 to 15 September, saw 262,076 visitors from 40 countries and regions! This year’s TGS theme message was “One World, Infinite Joy”. 2,417 booths over 655 exhibitors ranged from games to consoles, smartphones and PCs.
TGS is organized by the Computer Entertainment Supplier’s Association (CESA), with Hideki Hayakawa as its chairman, joined by co-organizer Nikkei BP, who has Naoto Yoshida as president. Visitors gathered at Makuhari Messe across four days for TGS 2019!
This year’s keynote was on 5G’s impact on the game market. 5G is expected to expand esports and the cloud gaming market steadily. Additionally, the TGS Business Matching System was revamped for this year. 1496 meetings were produced, over twice than last year. It proves that TGS can continue to grow into its important role of being a business hub for the international game market.
TOKYO GAME SHOW 2020 dates have also been revealed! Save the date for 24 – 27 September 2020, once more at Makuhari Messe.