Capcom has officially revived the beloved Onimusha series with the announcement of Onimusha: Way of the Sword at The Game Awards 2024. Marking the franchise’s first new entry in nearly two decades, the game is set for release in 2026 on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC via Steam.
The reveal trailer, just under two minutes long, provides a thrilling glimpse into the action-packed world of feudal Japan. Fans will immediately recognize the iconic soul-absorbing mechanic, a hallmark of the series. Dynamic swordplay, intricate finishers, and a gripping boss battle are also highlighted, showcasing a blend of fast-paced combat and supernatural elements. The shift to full 4K visuals and a dark fantasy atmosphere signals the series’ evolution while staying true to its roots.
Set in Kyoto during the early Edo period, Way of the Sword follows a lone samurai wielding the mystical Oni Gauntlet as they confront the demonic Genma plaguing the city. Known for intertwining Japanese folklore with historical elements, the Onimusha franchise has captivated fans with its immersive storytelling and exhilarating “Issen” counterattack mechanics since its debut in 2001.
This announcement follows years of fan anticipation and hints from Capcom, including a 2018 remaster and a 2022 Netflix anime adaptation. With Way of the Sword, the franchise enters a new era, combining nostalgic gameplay with modern innovations.
For the latest updates, visit the official Onimusha website here or follow its social media accounts on Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), and Facebook.