Sword Art Online: Alicization Rising Steel has renamed itself to Sword Art Online: Unleash Blading. This rebrand is in part due to the game incorporating the “Moon Cradle” arc, which is a continuation of “Alicization”, an arc that has yet to be animated at this point of writing. Sword Art Online: Unleash Blading is also including updates from “Progressive”, namely, the Aria of a Starless Night movie.
Events are presently running to celebrate the release of the movie as well, including:
- 7 day log in bonus until 10 November 2021 14:59 UTC
- A selector ticket from a limited pool offered
- Custom Scout Tickets roulette from 2 November 2021 15:00 UTC to 24 November 2021 14:59 UTC
- Free gacha scouts until 19 November 2021 14:59 UTC
- Earn points from events to exchange for vouchers until 3 December 2021 05:59 UTC
- Selector tickets, 4-star Kibaou, home illustrations, and more
- “Aria of a Starless Night” Asuna and “Beta Tester” Kirito will be added as 4-star charaters
- Discount on movie release gacha
- World Raid from 26 November 2021 06:00 UTC to 29 November 2021 05:59 UTC
- Various game and UI updates
The game’s second anniversary is also coming up, so you can expect more goodies in the coming weeks! If you’re a fan of the series, this is definitely not something you should miss out on.

A tale of noble souls.
Sword Art Online's newest RPG game, based on the Alicization arc, featuring an all new original story and characters!