Summoners War World Arena has been a huge success since it last held in LA 2017. Now it is time for Summoners War World Arena Season 4 2018! The season has begun and Com2uS has organized several months of worldwide World Arena competition since last year, 2017. They aim to bring together top professional gamers from Season 1 and Season 2 to pit against one another in 9 different cities around the world. The champion of the inaugural Summoners War World Championship 2017 (held in November) is Tomato (China) who ousted Psy! (America) to earn a whooping USD$20,000 top prize and distinction as the world’s best summoner.
As for World Arena Season 2 champion, although he did not make it to centerstage, 云阙☆风月 (China) ended 2017 with a loud bang as he remained as the undefeated champion for Season 3. Will he be able to score a hat trick (3 consecutive champion titles) this Season 4? In this early stage of Season 4 which has just begun last week, Corrosiv3 (a Malaysian player who hails from Penang) sticks to the top spot, warding off the undefeated champion from the throne. Will this Malaysian dark horse emerge as the new king this time round? We all will be looking forward to the results when this Season 4 closes in April 2018.
Com2uS has raised the rewards for participating this Season 4 compared to previous seasons in hopes to boost user participation and interest. Rewards such as Dark King Panda Warrior Transmogrification, Transmogrification Items that enables customization of Monsters’ outlook and many more has been added for participants. You can check out their official Facebook Page for more information.