Stars of Ravahla is a game by Seed Studio and they had recently released the game for both iOS and Android. The game is an RPG card game with a unique battle system. By utilizing the wheel called “Stardust Compass”, players will need to manually maneuver the heroes to avoid being damaged by the bosses.
The unique battle system consists of two phases. Players start off with the Defense phase, where players will control the team to avoid the bosses’ attacks which are indicated on the tiles on the wheel. Once the Defense phase is over, players will move onto the Attack phase where players will need to maneuver the heroes onto the attack tiles to damage the boss.
Check out the gameplay video below:
【亡毒魔蟒激戰照片大募集】?活動時間:06/15 12:00~06/21 18:00?活動獎勵:25,000金幣於06/22發放?活動辦法?1⃣上傳與亡毒魔蟒的戰鬥截圖,並留下您的ID與角色名稱2⃣按讚粉專,並公開分享此貼文——————————————————–?亡毒魔蟒-奧佛克斯,是令人恐懼的巨大BOSS,作為亡毒魔沼的統治者,派出了諸多部下都無法阻擾主角探索真實,最終出現在無間苦牢親自來了斷主角的生命。⚠亡毒魔蟒的攻擊招式的都是從口中吐出⚠●會瞄準英雄位置的「亡蛇毒霧」●四處遊走的「死亡玉」●在定點有持續效果的「毒霧陷阱」——————————————————–㊙戰鬥攻略小撇步2㊙英雄升階2星解鎖的隊長技很好用,例如柯爾的隊長技是讓所有英雄在攻擊預告的危險區域就會持續補充魔力。在影片中,只要英雄在紅色的範圍內或是在瞄準線上會增加魔力就是因為英雄柯爾的隊長技-逆境之眼。選擇不同的隊長,配合隊長技就會有不同的戰鬥操作風格。
Posted by 星輪之戰 Stars of Ravahla on Thursday, June 14, 2018
Players will need to form a maximum of four heroes positioned on the compass and move them as it is needed. Of course, like many RPGs, there are strengths and weaknesses that counters the bosses’ “elements”. Instead of those “elements”, constellations are used in this game. Each hero has their own constellation and has its unique skills that benefit when the situation calls for. With a plethora of heroes and leader passives, players can form their party based on their own unique play-style of course.
Probably the best selling point in this game besides the unique battle system is there are no gachas in this game. Players are guaranteed to obtain heroes based on the level and quest progression. However, to increase the speed of progression, players can purchase boosting items in the store.
For more info and updates, you can check out their official Facebook page!