Why catch Pokemon the usual way when you can sneak up on them now! With the all-new Pokemon Go AR+ Mode, players can now sneak up on Pokemon and catch them by surprise! It’s not just a sneaky feature but it actually gives bonuses to players who successfully catch a Pokemon by sneaking up on them!

So how does one actually sneak up onto Pokemons? Well with the AR+ Mode feature on, you will still be able to notice Pokemons appearing on your screen of course. But this time, they will have an awareness meter which will fill up the closer you get to them. When the awareness meter is filled up, the Pokemon will flee and you will fail to catch them.

One of the coolest thing this AR+ Mode features is the actual sizes of Pokemons. Players will be able to get close and personal through their screen and experience how big – for example, a Gyarados is. As players walk closer to a large Pokemon, it will fill up the screen which will render you to tilt your screen back to see the full size of the Pokemon. While other small Pokemon will seem to be pretty small until you go closer to it. The closer you are, the higher chances of earning a Great or Excellent throw bonus plus more Stardust and XP as long as the Pokemon is not startled.
Currently the AR+ Mode will only be available for the iPhone 6 and later models with iOS11. Android users will have to wait for the update or until it is announced.