The Sleeping Dogs movie adaptation has officially been put to sleep, confirmed by actor Donnie Yen. Announced in 2017, the film aimed to feature Yen as Wei Shen, the protagonist of the 2012 hit video game Sleeping Dogs. This game garnered a dedicated following due to its immersive, action-packed portrayal of Hong Kong’s criminal underworld.
In a recent interview with Polygon, Yen delivered the unfortunate news: “I spent a lot of time and did a lot of work with these producers, and I even invested some of my own money into obtaining the drafts and some of the rights. I waited for years. Years. And I really want to do it. I have all these visions in my head, and unfortunately… I don’t know, you know how Hollywood goes, right? I spent many, many years on it. It was an unfortunate thing. Well, on to better things.”
Yen’s involvement, along with director Timo Tjahjanto—renowned for his work on The Night Comes for Us—generated significant excitement. However, updates on the project remained sparse, with the last notable mention being Tjahjanto’s statement in September 2024 about the film being trapped in “development hell.”
Several years ago , I get to meet Donnie Yen to develop a project based on a video Game , Sadly it went into development hell.
Still kinda hoping it will set sail again,
Who doesnt love Donnie wrecking shit in the world of Triad n sleazy undercover cop.— Timo Tjahjanto (@Timobros) September 22, 2024
Fans may find the cancellation disappointing, yet the original game and its expansions remain available for enjoyment. Meanwhile, Yen stays occupied with various projects, including his upcoming film The Prosecutor and a John Wick: Chapter 4 spinoff.
The cancellation of the Sleeping Dogs movie highlights the unpredictable journey of video game adaptations in Hollywood. Even with promising collaborations, projects can still falter before reaching their audience, leaving fans to wonder about what could have been.