Senran Gakura game has yet another addition to the series! Recently the producer of Senran Kagura series, Kenichiro Takaki, has announced their upcoming title entitled Senran Kagura New Link during their livestream event hosted by Marvelous Entertainment along with their new studio Honey Parade Games.
The new mobile game will be released for both iOS and Android in Japan this year. They have also introduced three new characters alongside with other 20 popular Senran Kagura girls as seen in the trailer.
Check out the trailer below:
The Senran Kagura series was developed by Tamsoft and produced by Marvelous Entertainment. While the IP series revolves around females in costumes, they even received manga adaptations. Do note that this game will be released in Japan’s mobile platform and not on consoles. It is unlikable for the game to appear globally but more information may be released later.