Sega Online Catcher has been rebranded to Goton!, and is launching commemorative campaigns in Japan to promote the fact. The service is basically a way for you to play those crane game machines in Japan, and had actually launched in the United States. However, services have been suspended since 31 May 2020. The notice for the suspension is as follows:
Thank you for always playing SEGA Catcher Online.
We would like to inform you of the important information for customers who are using SEGA Catcher Online.
As I told you the other day, there is a problem with the delivery of packages from Japan to the United States.
Therefore, until the situation calms down and we can provide a stable playing environment to customers, SEGA Catcher Online service will be suspended for a while.
We are really sorry for everyone who enjoys playing the game now.
We apologize for the inconvenience, and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation.Details are as follows.
- You cannot purchase a new “SP” after 19:00 (PST) on April 29, 2020 today.
- The service suspension date is scheduled for May 31, 2020 or later. We will contact you as soon as the detailed schedule is decided.
- We will continue to operate as usual until the service is suspended, so please request game play and delivery request as usual.
- During service suspension, all game play and prizes delivery will can not processed. Therefore, please be sure to request the delivery of the prizes you have won before the service is suspended.
- The service restart date is undecided at this time. Therefore, we will accept refunds for paid SPs that you own.
- The refund method for paid SPs will be posted later in this notice.
All the staff will do their best to restart the service to the customers as soon as possible, and we look forward to your continued support of SEGA Catcher Online.
All the staff
Hopefully, whenever COVID-19 calms down, we’d all be able to waste our coins on these machines in real life again soon enough.