Sakura Wars, the popular animated series that was aired back in the 1996 has had many manga, anime and even games made for the PlayStation 2 back in Japan in 2005. Their latest which was Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love in March 2010 for the PlayStation 2 and Wii was released for North America and Europe and we haven’t heard of a new title from the series ever since.
Now with a new teaser announced by Sega recently as a “completely new entry” in the Sakura Wars series during the Sega Festival 2018, we’re still unsure which platform will the game be released on. The game was said to be set in the imperial city of Tokyo during the Taisho era 1929. Though the actual Japan’s Taisho period only lasted for 15 years, the game’s setting will take place in the 29th year of the Sakura Wars’ Taisho period.
There are no further details revealed yet but there will definitely be more information released soon once their official site is updated.