There’s been Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield apparent leaks! Do note that these are not official releases! Twitter user “The_Devious” alongside “LeaksPokemon” unleashed a storm of images, so let’s get right to it.
From left to right:-
- Grookey’s evolutions: first is unknown, second is Rillaboom
- Sobble’s evolutions: Sizzile and Intelleon
- Galarian Meowth, and Perrserrker
- Nickit and Thievul
- Toxel
- Cufant
- Galarian Farfetch’d
Next up, a line-up of Gigantamax forms:-
- Kingler
- Machamp
- Garbodor
- Centiskorch
- Coalossal
- Hatterene
- Lapras
Watch out, here’s a flood of Dex entries!
- Dracozolt
- Arctozolt
- Dracovish
- Arctovish
- Zacian
- Falinks
- Copperajah
- Indeedee
- Stonjourner
- Galarian Darumaka and Darmanitan
- Galarian Mr Mime
- Mr Rime
- Dreepy, Drakloak, Dragapult
- Applin, Flapple
- Sinistea, Polteageist’s pre-evolution
- Eternatus
And last but not least, the miscellaneous images.
- Silicobra and its evolution Sandaconda
- Wooloo’s evolution, Dubwool
- Clobbopus and its evolution, Grapploct
- Impidimp’s evolutions Morgrem and Grimmsnarl
- Yamper’s evolution, Boltund
- Rolycoly’s evolution, Carkoal and Coalossal
- Skwovet and its evolution, Greedunt
- Arrokuda and its evolution, Barraskewda
- Blipbug, Dottler and Orbeetle line
- Corviknight’s pre-evolutions, Rookidee and Corvisquire
- Galarian Rapidash
- Galarian Stunfisk
- Snom and its evolution, Frosmoth
- Scorbunny’s evolutions, Cinderace (final) and Raboot
- Galarial Corsola and its evolution, Cursula
- Milcery, Alcremie’s pre-evolution
- Chewtle, Drednaw’s pre-evolution
- Sizzlipede, Centiskorch’s pre-evolution
- Hattena, Hattrem and Hatterena line
- Toxel’s evolution
- Possible Eternatus forms
- and an unknown Pokemon
Additionally, a reader who goes by Zhi Wen provided more images, showing alternate forms for the starter Pokemon evolutions which you can see below.
So what do you think of these Pokemon Sword and Shield leaks? Has it made you more excited for the game? Any designs that you particularly like? The game will be out 15 November, so we’ll find out for real soon enough.