Celebrating the return of Professor Willow, the new season for Pokemon Go – Season of Light will be starting from 1st September until 1st December which shows off new research tasks, a new rotation of wild Pokemon encounters as well as the debut of the Nebula Pokemon Cosmog.
Wild Pokemon Encounters
Different species of Pokemon will be appearing in different areas across the world as the seasons change. Here are the list of Pokemon Encounters for this season:
Note: The ones marked with * will have a chance to be a shiny version
- Jigglypuff*
- Machop*
- Magnemite*
- Muk
- Voltorb*
- Umbreon
- Litwick
- And more
- Mareep*
- Sunkern*
- Yanma*
- Espeon
- Pineco*
- Plant Cloak Burmy*
- Hisuian Voltorb
- And more
- Sandslash
- Clefairy*
- Diglett*
- Snorlax*
- Sneasel*
- Stantler*
- Deino*
- And more
Beach and Water
- Seel*
- Staryu*
- Mantine*
- Pelipper
- Carvanha*
- Wailmer*
- Feebas*
- And more
- Scyther*
- Dratini*
- Chikorita*
- Cyndaquil*
- Totodile*
- Teddiursa*
- Shroomish*
- And more
- Paras*
- Chansey*
- Skitty*
- Bagon*
- Snivy*
- Tepig*
- Oshawott*
- And more
Along with new encounters, a new set of Pokemon eggs will be hatching from this Season:
2KM Eggs
- Pichu*
- Cleffa*
- Munna*
- Fomantis
- Wimpod
- And more
- Tyrogue*
- Elekid*
- Magby*
- Miltank*
- And more
10KM Eggs
- Tirtouga*
- Archen*
- Noibat
- Rockruff*
- Jangmo-o
- And more
Special Research Tasks
Task 1
- Catch 15 Pokémon: 5 Razz Berry
Make 10 Curveball Throws: Staryu Encounter
Catch 15 Psychic-type Pokémon: 5 Pinap Berry
- Give your buddy 3 treats: Woobat Encounter
- Earn 10 Candies walking with your buddy: Staryu Encounter
Catch 15 Psychic-type Pokémon: Munna Encounter
Completion Reward: 1 Poffin, 2000 XP, 500 Stardust
Task 3
- Earn 15 hearts with your buddy: Ralts Encounter
- Send 10 Gifts to Friends: Staryu Encounter
Catch 20 different species of Pokémon: 25 Poke Ball
Completion Reward: 5 Pinap Berry, 3000 XP, 1000 Stardust
Task 4
Completion Reward: 25 Cosmog Candy, 3000 XP, 1000 Stardust
As of right now, there are only 4/10 Tasks listed, the other 6 tasks will be coming out in a future date.
For more information and future updates to Pokemon Go Season of Light, check out the game’s official website here.