After nearly a year of being released, Pokemon GO is set for a massive update in summer which the developers claim will make the game more social and accessible. The updates add to the several changes to the game implemented over the course of the past 12 months, including new creatures and limited-time events.
For now, the Gym has been revamped to feature six permanent slots that can be filled by taking control over the team’s Pokemon. This time around, opposing teams will do battle with the Pokemon in the order they were assigned to the Gym, and instead of facing six Dragonites all at once, there can only be one type of Pokemon in each of the slot to ensure variety.
Raid Battles will come in the form in-game events which temporarily take over a Gym, allowing players in the vicinity to team up and take on very powerful Pokemon known as Raid Bosses, which are likely going to be the Legendaries as hinted by developers earlier at the Webbys awards.