The PlayStation Mobile Games department is starting to staff up, having recently acquired the expertise of now-former Super Evil Marketing VP Uyen Uyen Ton Nu.
According to her LinkedIn, Uyen Uyen starts today as the Senior Director and Head of Marketing at PlayStation’s Mobile Games division.
Uyen Uyen’s move to Playstation is a pretty high profile one- she was VP of Marketing at Super Evil Megacorp, who had produced the highly praised Vainglory MOBA on iOS.
The existence of a PlayStation Mobile division has been a sort of open secret in the industry- though never formally announced to the public, their corporate strategy meeting and interviews have all shown that the Sony Interactive Entertainment showed interest in tapping into the mobile market, as a way to complement the triple-A releases on PlayStation.
Last year, PlayStation head Jim Ryan mentioned that we could expect to see more news about the new division soon, as the company even opened up job listings related to it.
“We are working on a number of models to open up mobile. You’ll see the first fruits of this sooner than you might think”, he said.
While it’s not a game announcement, we have started to see more tells of PlayStation’s interest in heading to mobile, most recently with the Backbone One controller for gaming on your phone.
Mobile games have been the industry to watch for companies looking for big growth- titles like Tencent’s Honor of Kings and Aniplex’s (A Sony subsidiary) Fate/Grand Order have shown that people are more than willing to pay for mobile games.
What’s more, titles like the massively successful Genshin Impact has shown that these experiences don’t have to be purely mobile- the game features cross-progression, letting players move between PC, Mobile and PS4 freely.