Phantom Chaser is a game developed by Netmarble and it was originally named Yokai Saga in South Korea and Thailand. However Netmarble did not release this title anywhere else. Thankfully, game publisher Floppy Games took the initiative to publish the game in our region! Don’t miss this chance now and pre-register to obtain free 10 Summon Tickets!
Check out their official trailer below:
The game powered by Unity engine displays one of the best graphics in a fantasy world. To boost, its got an epic storyline with more than 130 unique Phantoms from both West and Eastern mythology! As you follow the Phantom Hunters through an epic journey to defeat the might evil, there’s a unique feature called the ‘Mimic‘ which allows characters to be possessed by a Phantom that comes with special abilities during combat.
The unique feature changes the way players play based on the enemies they fight. As the combination of skills perks that come with ‘Mimic’ provides for an almost infinite possibilities to overcome difficult stages. Of course, the game also has numerous other features and game modes which will keep players entertained for a long time.
It is unknown as to why Netmarble did not plan to launch the game on a global scale earlier as the game had even won the prestigious “Best Graphics” at the Unity Korea Award 2017. However that is nothing to worry about now, as the game will be launched globally with 7 languages supported; English, German, French, Taiwanese, Chinese, Vietnamese and Korean.