Oxenfree is a game developed by Night School Studio. The game has received great remarks when it was first released on the PC and now the game is available on both the iOS and Android devices! The game has been acclaimed to be a one of a kind supernatural thriller can now be played anywhere on your mobile device.
Check out their cool trailer:
You start off playing as a group of friends that accidentally opened a portal which released ghosts into your world. With that, you and your friends have to take responsibility and work together to reverse the release. Players are free to make choices in the game, however there are consequences for every decision made. Some may extend your relationships among your friends while others may break whatever plans you have, disagreeing with you.
There are plenty of conversations in the game and it requires players to pay attention to the characters and react with the right choice of answers. As your adventure in the game involves talking to spirits, you’ll need to talk your way through most of the game and solve the mysteries.
The game is cool and has its own niche. If you are willing to spend on a good game, this is a recommended piece for a price of RM21.99 and can be replayed multiple times for different outcomes.