Apparently Nintendo is not a big fan of players spending too much on mobile games. It even includes their own mobile titles. Yes, it might seem mind-blowing but it is true. In fact, they have recently asked companies to reduce microtransactions or in-game purchases for their respective mobile titles.
Even mobile games from Nintendo themselves are going to get some stick. There is no escaping the criticism here as Nintendo has apparently ‘seen the light’. The company now sees their mobile games as more of a way to promote its brand than big revenue sources. Also, they do not want to be labeled for being greedy when it comes to mobile games.
Nintendo started their mobile game venture in 2016 with Super Mario Run when mobile games were starting to become a popular trend. The game was free-to-play before a $10 paywall came up. Since then, each of their subsequent mobile games remained as a ‘free-to-play’ but they relied heavily on daily log-ins and gacha mechanics with microtransactions to earn profits.
An example would be Dragalia Lost. The game contains lottery-like elements which allows players to unlock characters. Unfortunately, the feature was a subject of criticism from the players as the probability of getting a rare character is extremely low. Thus, some players had to spend money to purchase the characters they want. Since then, Nintendo has fixed the issue by increasing the odds to avoid players from spending too much.
According to data, Dragalia Lost earned a staggering $50 million from players in the few months following its release. Fire Emblem Heroes, which is Nintendo‘s most successful mobile game to date, earned an even more staggering $75.8 million in the same amount of time.
That is a crazy lot of money! No wonder Nintendo are trying to do something about it. Of course, we do think it is a good move. There is sure to be delight among the hardcore Nintendo mobile gamers when they hear about this. Well, who likes to spend tons on a mobile game? No one does!
As for other Nintendo news, Dr. Mario World is well on the way and it should be out soon. However, there is no confirmed release date yet. Stay tuned for more!