SHIFT UP has given an official statement in regard to the recent debacle with Nikke Guaranteed Paid Banner.
To keep you in the loop, from launch Nikke has a special banner called New Commander Special Recruitment that will guarantee you one SSR Nikke when you roll on it. This of course would require you to use paid gems to roll on it.
Nothing wrong with that since every gacha game has paid banners like this that guarantees you one character of the highest rarity.
For Nikke, this paid banner will guarantee you one SSR Nikke EXCLUDING Pilgrim Nikkes, Helm, and Laplace. Pilgrim is a Manufacturer in which Nikke like Snow White, Scarlet and Noah.
However, from a post made by redditor u/mayhaveadd, recently a Korean Streamer pulled on the paid banner and had gotten an SSR Pilgrim Nikke and only that SSR.
This implies that the description of the paid banner is incomplete at best since the streamer’s SSR is not part of the guaranteed slot. It appears that this incident has caused the Korean player base to plan for a lawsuit to SHIFT UP for fraud. You can find the discussion about it in their Naver Game post here.
In response to the incident, SHIFT UP has given their official statement which reads as follows:
“If no SSR (including Pilgrim Nikkes and the probabilities are refer to “Rate Info”) were drawn in the first 9 draws, the remaining draw will be a SSR (excluding Pilgrim Nikkes, Helm and Laplace), and the order of the draw results will be displayed randomly”
“We are very sorry for the confusion and misunderstanding caused by the incomplete description, and we will do a better job in describing the rules in the future to prevent this sort of situation from happening again.”
You can check out the full statement from the official twitter of Nikke here.
In compensation for this error, SHIFT UP will be giving out 50 New Commander Special Mold that will guarantee one SSR Nikke excluding Pilgrim Nikkes, Helm, Laplace and subsequent new characters after the December 8th update.