As part of the continuing plot developments of Mega Man X DiVE, the game is getting more original characters added to the cast, with Droitclair making her debut after iCO. This gal is capable of summoning spirits and using magic circles to attack, while her role in the story will be something you have to find out for yourself.
Droitclair’s bag seems to be where her ‘friends’ are kept, unleashed once she enters battle. “Evil Calling” uses these ‘friends’ to attack and mark a location, making a teleportation circle where Droitclair can use to get close and attack. “Evil Spirit Barrier” causes enemies in its radius receive continuous damage and debuffing attack. Her passive allows her spirits to counterattack. At 35% HP or lower, she can summon a larger spirit to attack.
In story, Droitclair was generated by a bug within the Deeplog of Mega Man x DiVE. Designed by Capcom’s own Ryuji Higurashi and voiced by Nami Miyaki, her design incorporates Visual Kei and ‘little devil’ elements, making for a striking contrast of colourful hair and details with her black outfit. Have a look at a peek of her design process below. Keep an eye out for her elder sister and younger brother too!