My Hero Academia Smash Rising is a game by Bandai Namco for the mobile that was previously known as My Hero Academia Smash Tap back in April 2017. The game was launched in Japan but it was recently updated and has since changed its name to ‘Smash Rising’. With a new title, the game will go under maintenance for its latest update and will be ready on October 19th, 14:00 JST (13:00 +8 GMT).
The title is not the only thing that’s being renamed, the character models will also be changed. Previously, the characters in the game were portrayed in their ‘chibi’ forms, but with the new update, the characters will be in their full scaled size models in 3D.
Each character will have their own unique skills which will give a more intense combat experience and visually impact for players. Instead of an ARPG experience, the game will adopt a more auto combat system fit for a mobile game. There’s also a Relationship System where players can increase their intimacy levels with each character by completing missions on the Relationship Map.
For now, the game is still released only in Japan but hopefully with the new update, there’s a plan for a global release as well. With the game currently being updated, more details will be released after the update on October 19th.