Capcom has announced the release date for the next free update coming Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak featuring new monsters and more.
Title Update 4 will be coming to both Nintendo Switch and Steam on February 7th, adding not only the Elder dragon Velkhana but also Crimson Glow Valstrax. Moreover, a new Anomaly Research will be available that unlocks Chaotic Gore Magala for you to slay.
Here is an overview of what is coming in next update:
- Additional Monster: Velkhana – The Iceborne Wyvern with an icy breath so cold, it could from spires and walls of ice out of nowhere. It is also the poster dragon for Monster Hunter World: Icebone. Unlocks at MR 10 or higher.
- Additional Monster: Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax – A variant of the Elder Dragon Valstrax that has overcome its Quiro virus. This dragon has an abundance of energy that grants them far greater agility and even more powerful explosive attacks. Unlocks at MR 160 or higher.
- New Anomaly Quest – An A8★Anomaly Quest will be available that can be unlocked by advancing the Anomaly Investigations. This new quest will have face the Chaotic Gore Magala, a variant of Core Magala who is far more aggressive and violent with tremendous strength.
- Increased Level Cap for Anomaly Investigations – The level cap has been raised to 220 and quest level from Level 111 and above will bring Risen Elder Dragons into the fray so be sure to prepare yourself.
- New Event Quests – After the update, new event quests will come into the game regularly that will reward you tons of items including Layered Armors.
- Miscellaneous – Layered Armors for Hunting Guide characters and even for Minoto and the painter will be available after the update as part of a paid DLC. In addition, new gestures, poses and more character customization options will be available for purchase as well.
The next title update is planned for an April release so be sure to stay tuned and check out the game’s official social media.
Monster Hunter Rise is a monster hunting RPG developed and published by Capcom. It is the sixth mainline installment to the Monster Hunter series and was released for Nintendo Switch in March 2021.
The game later got a release on Steam in January 2022 and on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S on January 2023.