Monster Hunter Now has announced its next update, Dancing in the Tempest, poised to make its debut this summer with Kushala Daora.

With this summer update, the game will be receiving its first ever Elder Dragon. Players will get a chance to test their strength again the ferocious Kushala Daora in Monster Hunter Now’s newest feature, Elder Dragon Interceptions.
Alongside Kushala Daora, Khezu and Basarios will also be added to the game. While Kushala Daora remains restricted to Elder Dragon Interceptions, the other two monsters will appear on the field once you have unlocked them in urgent quests in the new Season 2 story quest chapters.

The Gunlance will also finally be making its way to Monster Hunter Now in this update. Combining the heavy duty capabilities of a lance and the firepower of a gun, players will be able to use a whole arsenal of unique skills such as the Wyvern’s Fire and the Burstfire.
With a new weapon type and new monsters, expect more skills to be coming with this update! Players this summer will be able to look forward to Kushala Frostwind, Artillery, Special Insurance, and more.
Monster Hunter Now can be downloaded and played for free on Android and iOS mobile devices.