Gundam G40 Project, 10 Minute Special
As part of the Mobile Suit Gundam‘s 40th Anniversary super celebration, BANDAI NAMCO ENTERTAINMENT has released a special 10 minute feature movie on YouTube called “G40 Project.” This special showcases the very first Gundam series with new animations, highlighting the space battle between the Amuro from the Earth Federation’s and Char from the Principality of Zeon’s. The feature film is a collaboration between Gundam, Ken Okuyama and LDH JAPAN Inc. (which stands for LOVE + DREAM + HAPPINESS).
The special showcases new animation techniques to revamp the original Gundam series and give it a new coat of paint, as well as paying homage of sorts to their “ancestors” by staying true to their 1980’s artstyle and shading. There are new designs for the Zakus and RX-78-2 and the intricate details are amazing. The RX-78-2 now features a sleeker more compact design, with new segments to break up the previously blocky outlines and ridges.
The ten minute film showcases new re-imagined designs from Ken Okuyama as well as new theme songs from LDH during the credits, which is in itself 3 minutes of awesome. The redesign of the RX-78-2 is also being dubbed and sold as the G40 model which has more human-like movements and features.
Here are a few more pictures featuring the G40!