The 2020 Digimon Adventure anime is showing its not afraid to be more than a retelling of the original Digimon Adventure 01. In the most recent episode, we’ve seen new upgrades for classic Ultimate-level Digimon MetalGreymon and WereGarurumon.
Rather than a new evolution, MetalGreymon’s new look is instead an upgrade. This time, MetalGreymon has two cybernetic arms, with the second arm being a railgun. Fans over at Wikimon have taken to referring to it as Alteros form, though the origins of the name is unknown.
WereGarurumon is also getting a new upgrade, as teased for the next episode. All they’ve shown is a close-up of metallic plates, leading to some fan speculation.
If “MetalGreymon with a railgun” sounds familiar, you’re probably into the more niche side of the Digimon fandom. This is a callback to Digimon D-Cyber, the Chinese manhua. Several Digimon with the X-antibody got new forms, including the Virus version of MetalGreymon.
WereGarurumon’s new form seems to also be a callback to D-Cyber, with WereGarurumon X having a more cyborg appearance. Of course, simply calling it MetalGarurumon would have been out of the question since that Digimon already exists.
Moreover given the nature of how Taichi and MetalGreymon get this new upgrade, we know very little of how they work. By next episode though, fans will probably have more information on the matter.