Back in September 2018, there was a mysterious Pokemon that appeared in Pokemon Go. That’s none other than the Hex Nut Pokemon, Meltan! Meltan will also be transferable to Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Pokemon: Let’s Go, Eevee! and can be brought out to follow you around! It might be small and cute now but Meltan has an evolution as well!
Name: Meltan
Category: Hex Nut Pokémon
Type: Steel
Height: 0’08”
Weight: 17.6 lbs.
Name: Melmetal
Category: Hex Nut Pokémon
Type: Steel
Height: 8’02”
Weight: 1,763.7 lbs.
Meltan evolves to Melmetal. From a tiny little Pokemon, Meltan evolves to a huge and heavy Melmetal who’s a steel type with a powerful set of moves. Melmetal’s unique Steel-type attack is the Double Iron Bash that has a chance to flinch the target! Melmetal is a strong Pokemon, but you will have to catch it first!
However, Meltan does not appear randomly in the city nor is he catch-able until you opened the Mystery Box. The Mystery Box will be given to you when you send a Pokemon from Pokemon Go to Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! or Pokemon: Let’s Go, Eevee! Sending Pokemon over to the Switch will net you with candies and certain items on Pokemon go. However, you will receive the Mystery Box when you send your first Pokemon over.
The Mystery Box will open once it’s used and that’s when Meltan starts to appear on your surroundings for a certain amount of time! Once it’s over, you will have to send over another Pokemon over to your Switch to receive another Mystery Box after a set amount of time. Though, you can only have a single Mystery Box at a time.

Once you’ve caught a Meltan, transfer it over to the Switch and you can have it walk with you anywhere you go. Melmetal is huge but unfortunately our character in Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Pokemon: Let’s Go, Eevee! does not get to ride on its back or shoulder like we could on Onix. But it does look cool having a huge shiny metal Pokemon walking around by your side!
For more info, you can check out the official site!