As the wait continues, players received a new status update regarding the English release NieR Reincarnation. You can find it via the official Twitter, as seen below:
My apologies for the long silence since the last letter. Please allow me to explain the current development status of the English version of NieR Re[in]carnation to those who are awaiting its release in North America and Europe.
Localization for the initial release has been completed and we’re currently making final adjustments in preparation for the upcoming preregistration.
I apologize for the long wait, but we’re doing our very best to ensure that everyone will enjoy playing NieR Re[in]carnation and it would be greatly appreciated if everyone could wait a little longer until the pre-registration announcement.
Daichi Matsukawa
The last status update for NieR Reincarnation was back on 9 February 2021.
The game will be launching with a NieR: Automata collaboration, followed by a Replicant one. The Japanese release has also announced a Drakengard 3 collaboration coming soon, so it’s pretty much back to back Yoko Taro-induced agony, one presumes. In any case, stay tuned for more news, and we’ll see if the pre-regs can come out in the summer or so, maybe even with that gold Mama to boot.