Marvel Super War Comprehensive Starter Guide
Welcome to this rendition of a Marvel Super War Starter Guide. Hi, I’m Trilz and I’m a professional shoutcaster. And today, I’m excited to contribute my thoughts on the top picks for one of my new favorites: Marvel Super War. On top of that, my specialty is MOBA games. So if you want to be the best player out there, you need to know your basics. I’m gonna walk you through each role briefly, what goals you need to achieve and which heroes are my top 3 picks for each role. I will list my picks from easiest to play, to hardest to play.
As the tank, your role is to initiate the fight and soak up as much damage as you can. Meanwhile, you will also contribute to the fight with ample amounts of CC (Crowd Control). In case you don’t know, crowd control are debuffs that control the enemy team like slows, stuns, knockups, knockbacks and silence. Usually, Tanks go in the solo side lane, but it is possible to have a Tank support too.
With that in mind, my top picks for the Tank role are The Incredible Hulk, Sandman and Heimdall.
Not only is Hulk the best beginner hero to practice with, and you even get him for free on your first day of login. Sandman is a good intermediate hero to transition into because of his global ult, and requires map awareness. Heimdall is one of the best heroes to learn because of how flexible he is. Because of that, you need to be able to play multiple roles to use him well.
As the jungler, your role is to allow your laners to get more gold and EXP, instead of splitting it between more members. Your other responsibility is to roam the map and help your team get kills. As such, junglers usually have some burst damage, mobility or some form of CC to help secure the kill. The characters that best suit the Jungle role are usually Fighters or Assassins.
Fighters are beefy bruisers that can take a hit and throw a punch back. They either go into the solo side lane or in the jungle. If they’re in the solo side lane, their job is to pressure the enemy laner. Ideally, you lure the enemy jungle to your lane and waste their time by surviving the gank.
The best fighters in the game are currently Captain America, Mister Fantastic and Lady Sif. Captain America is one of the best characters in the game. Not only is he very tanky and beginner friendly, he deals very high base damage and I expect him to be nerfed soon, honestly. Mister Fantastic is the cheapest of the three but no less effective. He can engage from a mile away with his ult and has the most unique form of CC in the game (I’ll go more indepth in a future article). Lastly, Lady Sif is not very beginner friendly
What is says on the can. Assassins deal tons of damage in short amounts of time. They usually have tools to help them survive, keep mobile and access their target of choice (usually the enemy Marksman or Power). Your role is…well, to Assassinate. More specifically, to get rid of the enemy that is giving your team the most trouble. As such, your job is unique because you usually position yourself at the side of the fight. This is so that you can avoid most of the CC at the start of a fight, then kill your target.
The best assassins in the game are currently Beast, Quicksilver and Proxima Midnight. Beast and Quicksilver are pretty simple, they are super mobile and deal lots of damage very quickly. However, Quicksilver needs some thinking because your ult can slow your own teammates as well. Lastly, Proxima Midnight has a difficult kit as her skills need good timing and precision, but she has a shield which makes her more durable than the other Assassins.
Power (usually called mid)
In other games, they call them Casters or Mages. In Marvel Super War, they’re called Power. Power heroes are the Energy-type damage dealers of the team. They usually have superior range and area coverage, or lots of burst damage. However, they have to wait for their cooldowns to do anything after casting. You might be wondering: “What’s the difference between Power and Assassins if both can do burst damage?”. Well, the answer is that usually, the Assassin is more mobile, can close the gap quickly and kill you reliably. A Power hero will have better range, but it is possible to miss their abilities.
The best Power heroes in the game are currently Storm, Scarlet Witch and Magneto. Storm is very beginner friendly, has a spammable long ranged stun and you can get her for free just from completing the Beginner Quest Gauntlet. Scarlet Witch has huge burst potential, but you get punished if you miss any of your skills during a combo. Magneto is more like an Energy type bruiser because he has low cooldown, spammable spells and a shield. However, he has 3 abilities and 1 ult, so he can be quite tricky to play.
Marksmen (usually shortened to MM)
The marksmen is the opposite of the Power. They deal the physical damage, and they usually deal it consistently but don’t have the burst damage that Powers do (rare cases may apply). They are also usually the first target in a fight, because the Power would immediately deal all their damage at the start of the fight, whereas the Marksman can consistently kill the enemy team.
The best Marksmen in the game are currently Rocket Racoon, Starlord and Angel. Rocket Racoon’s kit is fairly straightforward. He has a damage boost, a movement speed boost and his mines (ult) can be used to cover flanking routes. I found Starlord easier to play than Angel, despite his difficulty rating being “Difficult” while Angel is “Normal”. Starlord is more akin to a caster that deals Physical damage than the conventional Marksmen, and he is more of a burst hero than sustained damage. Angel is the hardest of the three, but the most mobile and risky to play.
Support (usually shortened to SP)
The Support is the hero that stays in lane with the Marksmen, either to pressure the enemy laners or to keep their own Marksmen safe. They usually have shields and heals, and a mix of long range poke or CC. What makes Support heroes effective is that they do not require lots of gold to still be effective in a fight, which is why they can funnel that gold to the Marksman.
The best Support in the game currently are Mantis, Groot and Heimdall. Mantis is very easy to play and you start with her as a free hero. She has a straightforward heal, a reliable ult and a good passive for scouting bushes. Groot is the game’s hook and pull hero, if you have experience playing one, you’ll have a good time on Groot. Otherwise, you might need some practice. You might be surprised to see Heimdall appear on this list too, seeing that he’s not even listed as Support. But his abilities work perfectly with a Marksman. His shields and heals apply to allies and his 1st skill shreds armor, letting your Marksman deal more damage. He also has a great passive (reveal the map for 5s every 4 minutes) and a team should try to play around it.
And that’s it for my Marvel Super War Comprehensive Beginner Guide (whew, what a mouthful!). I hope that you enjoyed this guide and if you do, don’t forget to stay tuned to future Marvel Super War content.