Popular anime series Chainsaw Man is set to make its international exhibition debut with an Asia-wide tour, beginning January 17th, 2025, in Hong Kong. The exhibition, which follows its successful 2023 run in Tokyo, will subsequently visit Taiwan, Korea, and Malaysia.
The tour’s first stop will be hosted at Hong Kong’s INCUBASE Arena in Mongkok, running until March 16th, 2025. Visitors can explore dedicated spaces showcasing all twelve episodes of the series’ first season, featuring original artwork and storyboards directly supervised by MAPPA, the acclaimed animation studio behind the adaptation of Tatsuki Fujimoto’s manga.
The exhibition will include life-sized character figures and specially designed photo spots. Fans can also purchase official merchandise from Japan and Hong Kong-exclusive items at both the exhibition’s popup shop and the IncuShop located in the venue’s basement.
Early bird packages are currently available until January 16th, 2025, including duo tickets priced at HK$168 per set and a Premium Bundle at HK$158 that features a random acrylic standee from a set of four designs. All ticket holders will receive a limited edition Chainsaw Man transparent frame, with eight possible designs distributed randomly.
\「アニメ チェンソーマン展」アジアツアー開催決定!🎊/
ファンの皆様、ぜひお楽しみに❤️🔥— チェンソーマン【公式】 (@CHAINSAWMAN_PR) January 16, 2025
The exhibition promises to bring the complete animated world of Chainsaw Man to Asian audiences, with each subsequent venue planning to offer its own selection of exclusive merchandise. Specific dates for the Taiwan, Korea, and Malaysia legs of the tour have yet to be announced. This international expansion follows the anime’s successful global premiere in 2022, which garnered significant attention from fans worldwide. The exhibition marks a major milestone as the first overseas showcase of Chainsaw Man exhibition materials.