Every hero in Majestia comes with 3 skills which you can unlock by increasing its Hero Grade. First skill slot activates in Hero Grade 1, the second slot unlocks in Hero Grade 3 while the third slot will be available in Hero Grade 5. However, you can only exchange your hero skills when it is in Hero Grade 6. Upgrading Hero Skill requires Skill Books too, which in order 5 (to lv.2), 20 (to lv.3), 50 (to lv.4), 100 (to lv.5), 150 (to lv.6).
Exchanging Hero Skills is actually not a must but if you wish your Hero to be stronger, this is the final way to go. In this Majestia Guide, we will guide you about everything you need to know in exchanging hero skills.
These are the guide(s) we wrote for Majestia previously:
Taking Lu Bu as an example, his original skills are Merciless, Deadly Seal and Entering Death. We want to change the skills to Enhanced Weapon, Focus Aura and Charge Attack to fit our battle strategy better.

The steps for exchanging a Hero Skill:
- Prepare 100 skills books
- You will need to require 100 copies of the Skill Book you want to exchange your Hero Skill with. Skill Books are available from the General Shop.
- Select the new skill you want to equip from the available list.
- Premium exchange or normal exchange?
- You can choose to either Premium exchange or normal exchange after confirming the exchange process.
- Premium exchange will return 50 skill books of the unequipped skills (which means getting back some cost) while normal exchange won’t return you anything.
- Skills exchange complete!
Things to remember for exchanging skills:
- You can only exchange skills from same skill type.
- You can only equip Special skills (God’s Shield, Chaos Attack, etc) on the 3rd slot.
- Some skill exchange may affect your Hero’s summoning cost, so you will have to decide whether you want your Hero to be high cost or low cost. Most of the skills require 1 resource, a few of them requires a different amount of resource. For example, Unifying Cry requires 0 resource while Honorable Retreat requires 2 resources.
- No matter what is the original skill level, your new exchanged skill will always be level 1.

These are all the steps and tips you will need to know if you want to exchange a Hero Skill. Did you manage to exchange any of your Hero Skills? Tell us in the comment below!