In a significant crossover event, SNK‘s iconic fighter Mai Shiranui is scheduled to make her Street Fighter 6 debut on February 5th, 2025, marking only the second guest character in Street Fighter history. Additionally, the fan-wielding kunoichi will be available across all game modes, including Fighting Ground, Battle Hub, and as a Master in World Tour.
Mai arrives with two distinct outfits: her classic Fatal Fury attire and a new costume based on her upcoming appearance in Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves. Players can unlock the latter through Fighter Coins or by maximizing their bond with Mai in World Tour mode.
Her fighting style combines traditional SNK mechanics with Street Fighter 6’s modern systems. Mai’s arsenal includes her signature fan projectiles (Kachousen), which can be charged for enhanced properties, and her fiery Ryuuenbu spinning attack for combo opportunities and space control. In addition, her mobility options feature the Hissatsu Shinobi Bachi cartwheel assault and the anti-air Hishou Ryuuenjin dragon punch.
Mai’s Super Art system introduces unique mechanics to Street Fighter 6. Her Level 1 Super Art, Kagerou no Mai, not only serves as an anti-air option but also grants her five Flame Stocks that enhance her special moves and lower-level Super Arts. Her Level 2 Super Art, Chou Hissatsu Shinobi Bachi, provides a projectile-invulnerable rush attack, while her Level 3 Super Art, Shiranui Ryuu: Enbu Ada Zakura, delivers a series of elegant fan-based combinations.
Moreover, players will be able to utilize Mai’s versatile moveset across all of Street Fighter 6’s game modes, adding a fresh dynamic to the existing roster with her distinctive SNK-inspired fighting style.