Limbus Company most recent Season 2 update notes shows a ton of changes coming to the game including an all new pity system which will start on 1st of June 2023 at 12:00 pm (KST).
However the developers have stated that the content updates mentioned are both conceptual and in-development which is subject to change.

One major update coming in Season 2: Reminiscence would be the introduction of Guarantee System to Extractions. The game will add an Ideality Exchange system which when players have collected a certain amount will allow players to exchange it for a 3-Star Identity or E.G.O represented in the target extraction. The Ideality is not carried over to the next target extraction banners however as the Ideality in each target extraction is considered its own currency.
Not only that, players can also carry over their Egoshards from Season 1 but these values are halved and will continue to be halved for each following Season. There will also be updates to the Main story and Battle Pass which will be done in parts:
- 1st June – Main Story Ch.4 <Part 1> and Season 2 Pass Rewards <Level 1 – Level 20>
- 8th June – Main Story Ch.4 <Part 2> and Season 2 Pass Rewards <Level 21 – Level 40>
- 15th June – Main Story Ch.4 <Part 3> and Season 2 Pass Rewards <Level 41 – Level 60 (+Max Pass Level)>

Besides that, there will also be a new tier for Uptying and Threadspinning which will make Indentities and E.G.O more powerful as well as increase in Identity Level Cap from 30 to 35.
Furthermore, the new Season’s Identities and E.G.O will be added to the list of Extractable items with the previous ones still remaining in the pool. The new Season’s Identities and E.G.O will also be available at the Dispenser.
Come June 22nd, Mirror Dungeon #2 also be added which players may enter once completing Mirror Dungeon #1 and Main Story Chapter 4. Not only that, the daily free entry and the simulation functions for Mirror Dungeons will be removed with the Mirror Dungeon #2 update.

There are also new updates to the systems related to the dungeons which include:
- New resource Cost introduced to Mirror Dungeons
- Shop events added to Mirror Dungeons
- Starter buffs introduced to Mirror Dungeons
- Identity levels are fixed at a certain value upon entry
While the new quality of life Features are:
- Preset function implemented
- E.G.O Threadspin tier shown during deployment
- E.G.O Gift effects and event choice results are easier to check
There will also be a Mirror Dungeon #2 (Hard) upcoming, profile ticket customization as well as UI/UX Adjustments and optimizations.
Limbus company is available on Android, iOS and Steam for PC. You may find further information regarding the updates at their official website.