The series of Succession updates is gradually wrapping up, with Black Desert SEA revealing one more for one of its most popular classes, the Lahn. From 19 February 2020, Lahn’s Succession update will be adding yet another dimension to gameplay where Adventurers can enhance their skills to gain more power.
Level 56 Adventurers and above can begin the process to learn Succession skills to enhance their Lahn classes. The skills are unlocked after completing a series of associated Black Spirit quests. To coincide with the update, a special event will also take place until 11 March to celebrate. Adventurers reaching levels 56 through 60 can receive special in-game items depending on level reached.
The main quests in the Kamasylvia region have also been redesigned. Experience a more coherent narrative with an improved quest path and richer storyline in the region, which includes a whole new perspective on Kamasylvia’s lore and better understand the relationship between key characters and groups. Embark on these quests with a character at level 58 and above.
If you happen to be a horse enthusiast, four different horse-themed events are also happening this week for breeders to get higher-tier horses. Obtain materials for the “How to Train Your Courser” event through fishing, gathering and defeating monsters. All horses will receive +50% EXP points until 4 March as well. On top of that, tier 6 and higher horses will spawn randomly during the event period. Breeding success rates have also increased. For further special rewards, join in the “Imperial Certified Horses” event.
Get in to Black Desert SEA and go through the Lahn succession along with the rest of the events!