Kyoto Animation, one of the most iconic animation studio in Japan, was reportedly got burned down this morning. It is not of their side building but their main studio in the Fushimi area in Kyoto. The studio’s head office is in Uji City, Kyoto, which is about 20 minutes by car.
According to the Kyoto City Fire Department, residence near the studio heard explosion sound and smoke coming out from the building, which is located in Kyoto’s Fushimi area. The residence immediately called the emergency service.
Sankei News reported that at least 38 employees have been injured and 9 people is unconscious have been taken to the hospital. One person has been reported dead.
According NHK, an eyewitness report a man in his late 40’s was seen pouring a flammable liquid and setting the building ablaze while screaming die. The suspected arsonist was also injured from the fire and is in police custody.
Kyoto Animation Studio was founded in 1959. The studio is famous for anime such as The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Lucky Star and K-On!