GAMEVIL and COCOONBEAT now bring new updates and improvements to their RPG mobile game, Knight Slinger to further enhance the RPG elements and creative touch mechanics. You can now transcend your warriors for a brand new level of power. As for now, you can transcend Sun Wukong, Xuanzang, Sierra, Gayle, and Mia. Check out the pictures of transcended warriors below! Other than that, there will be a new jewelry system to supplement the transcended warriors. A seventh rune slot will made available too. From the news we get from the developers, a guide system is currently developing and will be shown to the players very soon.
Knight Slinger is bringing an innovative style of gameplay to the mobile platforms by combining RPG and clever touch mechanics. Every update comes with new characters and features in order to improve Knight Slinger and players’ experience. Last but not least, GAMEVIL is hoping that players would enjoy the updates as they are working on improving the game.