Japan-based developer UniqueWave Co announced that it will be shutting down the servers for Kemono Friends Pavilion. Players have been assured that even though the game will go offline, access to certain aspects of the game will remain.
【重要】サービス終了のおしらせ 1/3
— けものフレンズぱびりおん【公式】 (@kemono_pavilion) May 18, 2021
Among other things, users will be able to watch all of the opening movies upon service termination. Furthermore, everyone will still be able to access the Kemono Talks feature, and you can still view details of all the Friends in the game. Not all the features have been disclosed, and the developer has directed users to go to the official website for more updates. As is is the case with all shutdowns, you will not be able to acquire paid currency anymore. No word if refunds will be processed if you still have any left in the wallet, but usually that will be addressed.
In case you are wondering, this is just one of many Kemono Friends spinoff games out in the market right now, such as Kemono Friends: The Puzzle Heads. Furthermore, Sega had previously announced that it will launching two more games in the franchise for the smartphones. In any case, this is it for Kemono Friends Pavilion, which first started service in January 2018.