In an unprecedented celebration of one of Japan’s most beloved superhero franchises, the Kamen Rider 50th Anniversary Exhibition has made its way to Malaysia, transforming INCUBASE Arena Malaysia at Fahrenheit88 into a shrine of masked heroism. Running from January 10th to March 16th, 2025, this marks not only the exhibition’s Malaysian debut but also the inaugural event at INCUBASE’s first international venue outside Hong Kong.
The exhibition, which has already captivated audiences across Japan and Hong Kong, brings together over 30 iconic Riders spanning three distinctive eras – Showa, Heisei, and Reiwa. What sets this exhibition apart is its meticulous attention to detail. Life-sized Kamen Rider models stand proudly alongside original TV props and manga reproductions, offering fans an up-close look at the evolution of these beloved heroes. The exhibition walls serve as a comprehensive archive, featuring detailed story summaries, character profiles, and antagonist information for each Rider series, making it accessible even to newcomers.
The exhibition’s interactive elements add another layer of engagement. A cleverly designed stamp rally challenges visitors to collect stamps from five different stations, revealing a complete design only when all are collected. Successfully completing this quest rewards participants with a mystery gift, adding an element of adventure to the experience. For those seeking perfect photo opportunities, the exhibition delivers with dedicated photo zones featuring Rider standees and themed backdrops. A special photo booth offering Kamen Rider-themed photographs for RM25 provides a lasting memento of the visit.
The merchandise section serves as a fitting finale, offering an extensive collection of official items from acrylic standees to Kamen Rider belts and gacha collectibles. Adding to the excitement, the exhibition will attempt to set a Malaysia Book of Records title for the Largest Kamen Rider Fan Belt Gathering on January 12th, 2025.
Whether you’re a long-time fan or new to the franchise, the exhibition offers a comprehensive look at how Kamen Rider has evolved from its 1971 debut to its current incarnation. Operating daily from 10 AM to 10 PM (last entry at 9 PM), this celebration of heroism, determination, and the enduring appeal of masked heroes proves to be a must-visit event for both die-hard fans and curious newcomers alike.
Moreover, the exhibition successfully captures the essence of what has made Kamen Rider a cultural phenomenon for five decades – its ability to tell compelling stories of human struggle and triumph through the lens of masked heroism. For Malaysian fans who grew up watching series like Masked Rider Black (known locally as Kesatria Baja Hitam), this exhibition offers a nostalgic journey through childhood memories while introducing newer generations to the rich legacy of this iconic franchise.