Jujutsu Kaisen 0.5 is a special manga booklet from series creator Gege Akutami that was released to promote the launch of Jujutsu Kaisen 0. As such, it is a rather rare find and can only be obtained through certain means, such as a gift that comes with purchasing tickets for the movie or via resellers.

In the case of TGV Cinemas in Malaysia, the cinema chain made the announcement that the manga booklet can be obtained for free for those who purchase 2 Jujutsu Kaisen 0 tickets in selected cinemas, while stocks last. TGV also added that the booklets are given to cinemagoers through a “first come first serve basis”.
As TGV made the announcement on March 16, it comes as little surprise that Jujutsu Kaisen 0.5 has run out of stocks as early as March 18 for certain outlets. As such, fans have resorted to other means to obtain the collectible, such as purchasing it from resellers.

For one particular fan, he/she contacted a reseller but was unhappy with the exorbitant price that it was going for. The fan proceeded to negotiate with the reseller for a cheaper price.
However, outrage ensued when the reseller claimed that they are a staff member working at the cinema chain. The fan posted their conversation online, drawing ire from Jujutsu Kaisen fans towards TGV Cinemas. Furthermore, the reseller also opened pre-orders for the booklet, further adding fuel to the fire as fans are speculating that the staff member is “keeping” stock of the free gift to resell at a higher price.
TGV Cinemas has responded by stating that they are conducting their own internal investigation on the matter. We’ve also requested TGV Cinemas for a comment. Any new developments on this issue will be updated on this article, so stay tuned.