JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is a popular Japanese manga and animated series by Hirohiko Araki. Now for those of you who don’t know what the series is about, it tells a story of the Joestar family with various members that discover their destinies to take down supernatural foes using unique powers they possess. There are 8 unique parts in the manga which tells the story of each member of the Joestar family that inevitably abbreviated to the title “JoJo“.
In the recent December issue of Ultra Jump revealed that JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure will have their own mobile game which is called JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: The Animation – Diamond Records. The game will be coming to iOS and Android devices next year. However there are no news on exactly when the game will be out next year. The game will be free-to-play with in-app item purchases. It was also mentioned that the game uses 3D character models and promises a new JoJo experience.
Hopefully we will be able to see JoJo’s supernatural abilities based on the series. Since there are 8 parts that tells of the 8 JoJo family members, I hope that the game would include all the characters and villains into the game.
Source: gematsu